Mastering practical skills in cybersecurity

Professional development of information security experts in the company

The National Cyber Range is a software and hardware complex for conducting cyber trainings and practical training of employees. The basis of the National Cyber Range is the Solar Cybermir software platform

Typical infrastructures from key industries are deployed at the National Cyber Range: enterprise sector, oil and gas sector, finance, energy, telecommunications


  • Increasing the level of readiness to repel cyber attacks

  • Introducing a model for the development of information security professionals in the company

  • Improving infrastructure security


industry segments of the cyber range


days of infrastructure availability


hosts in one event


attack techniques


conducted cyber trainings


trained professionals

Органы государственной власти

Cyber Trainings

  • Command and staff training aimed at theoretical development of response scenarios

  • Practical cyber trainings for technical experts to test their skills of protection against cyber threats

  • Full-scale cyber trainings combining theoretical command and staff training and the practical part

Корпорации и предприятия

Building cyber ranges

  • Building cyber ranges based on the customer's infrastructure

  • Creating digital counterparts of segments of the customer's IT infrastructure based on the capacities of the Rostelecom-Solar cyber range

Образовательные учреждения

Cyber Education

  • Cybersecurity education and training with practical skills development at the cyber range

The Solar Cybermir software platform underlies all the products of the National Cyber Range for organizing cyber trainings, building cyber ranges and conducting educational courses.

Examples of implemented projects

Проведение киберучений, в том числе межотраслевых

Creating a digital twin for a bank

As part of the project, a digital twin was created, hosted in the cloud infrastructure of the National Cyber Range. The digital twin is used by the customer for testing and pilots of information security solutions

Оценка и развитие практических навыков кибербезопасности

Practical cyber trainings for a metallurgical company

Cyber trainings of IT and information security experts were conducted for the "Pipe Metallurgical Company". The employees mastered practical skills of detecting and repelling cyber attacks on the Cybermir platform and received competence development plans
Learn more

Проверка безопасности информационных и промышленных систем

Сybersecurity workshop for Belarusian organizations

A 6-day training workshop on cybersecurity was held for Belarusian organizations, including cyber trainings on infrastructure protection and response to typical hacker attacks.
Learn more

Infrastructure of the National Cyber Range

Корпоративный офис

Corporate office infrastructure

A typical office infrastructure is simulated here: workstations, mail and web servers, and corporate information security tools are installed.

At the same time, the office "lives": electronic correspondence and file exchange are conducted in real time, requests are received to websites and network resources, common IT systems are used.


Industry infrastructure for energy

Typical objects of electrical networks are modeled here: a digital substation and an adjacent section of the electrical network.

Real equipment is used: relay protection and automation terminals, transient monitoring devices, dispatch control systems and other industrial automation systems.

Финансовый сектор

Industry infrastructure for financial organizations

A typical IT infrastructure of financial organizations is emulated here, including banking and processing systems.

The created payment infrastructure will allow exploring the security of new financial technologies, as well as testing innovative financial systems and information security tools.


Cyber Range interface

The uniqueness of the National Cyber Range

Extensive experience in conducting cyber trainings and building cyber ranges

more than 200 cyber trainings have been conducted for government organizations and commercial companies from various industries since 2020

The Solar Cybermir software platform is at the heart of all cyber range products

a platform with ready-made cyber trainings scenarios, access to virtual infrastructure and 3D visualization with real load generation

Experience in working with the best information security tools on the Russian market

a wide range of domestic ISSs in the cyber range infrastructure with the capability of enrichment with new products

Cyber Range development team – 70+ experts with unique experience

scenarios of cyber trainings are prepared by the team which is leading the FSTEC threat database threat researchers rating

Own infrastructure with the ability to scale

the ability to simultaneously deploy more than 10,000 hosts based on a fault-tolerant geographically distributed data center

Specialized equipment and business applications

the cyber range infrastructure has equipment from automated process control controllers to channel switches and from processing to a mobile application

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